Building Strong Families--An interview with Rozanne Frazee

In today’s podcast, Denise interviews Rozanne Frazee about building strong families. This is a podcast no mama wants to miss! Rozanne shares a timeless secret their family adopted and are sharing with you. Rozanne is a mother, grandmother, author of Real Simplicity, and pastor’s wife to Randy Frazee, who co-wrote “The Story.” They minister together at Westside Family Church in Lenexa, Kansas in the Kansas City area.

Teaching Young Children About God--An Interview with Denise's Oldest Daughter Rachel Harris!

On today’s podcast, Denise interviews her oldest daughter, Rachel Harris, about teaching young children about God. Rachel not only grew up loving and serving Jesus but she now has two children (and another on the way) of her own. Rachel, after working in a church in Nashville, made a career change to be a full-time stay-at-home mom. She and her British husband, Ash, live in Nashville, and their story of how God brought Ash to Christ and them together after Rachel’s overseas campus ministry work, is one God could only have conducted Himself!

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WOMENTUM: Help with having a Quiet Time (Interview with Patti Vernon)

In this podcast, Denise interview's her own sister-in-law, Patti Vernon, encouraging us Jesus-followers and leaders with our own Quiet times with God.  Patti's own experience and advice might be life-changing and motivating for your own faith journey.  Patti is a Pastor's wife, mother, teacher, grandmother, and lover of Jesus.

WOMENTUM: Talking with Liz Curtis Higgs about Keeping your Heart Centered

In today's podcast, Denise and Lauren interview Liz Curtis Higgs, famous author and hilarious speaker, about keeping your heart centered on Christ while ministering to hundreds of other people.  Liz is the author of 36 books with 4.6 million copies in print, including her bestsellers, Bad Girls of the Bible, The Girl's Still Got It, and It's Good to Be Queen. Liz has spoken for Women of Faith, Extraordinary Women, Women of Joy, and 1,700 other conferences in all 50 states and 15 foreign countries.  You can find Liz's website here