Adding to the Family? Blessings Overflow.
About six years ago, during our youngest daughter Becca’s junior year of high school, she says to me...
“Mom, can my friend Barbora from the Czech Republic come live for us for a semester?”
Now, Becca’s question really through me a curve. I was working part-time at our church (which really meant sometimes full-time) but since Becca was getting a little older and was very trustworthy, I was also able to get away with my husband on short trips now and then, and we were just starting to feel some of the benefits and freedom of almost being empty nesters.
Also, after a very busy and long season of relocation at our church, things were starting to settle down and feel a bit calmer.
So my mind raced through all the possible fears: What if this girl was rowdy or rude and made our home more stressful? What if she and Becca quit getting along, and it ruined Becca’s senior year of high school? What if it became too expensive since we were already paying for college for our middle daughter, and Becca’s college expenses would soon follow? Would I still be able to go on trips with Tim if I wanted to? So many concerns came to my mind.
Once I caught my breath and settled down, I began to think of what great benefits could happen: Becca was now alone in the house without her sisters and it might be nice to have another “sister” in the house. It might be fun and interesting to have a girl from another culture live with us for a while.
And most importantly, God might want us to influence this girl’s life for Christ. You see, Becca had gone with the youth group to conduct an English Camp in the Czech Republic during the previous summer and had met Barbora there. These were kids who came to learn English, but also were introduced to Jesus, Christian relationships, and some camp-style fun.
After Becca reassured me “Barbora is a good girl, mom,” and Tim and I talked, we said yes, trusting God would make this work.
And He did. We had the best time with Barbora living in our house the fall of that year. She attended high school, church, and youth group with Becca. We shared so much laughter, especially with the language and cultural misunderstandings. It was such a success that Barbora asked if she could wait to go home until after Christmas! And that was also our first Christmas with our English son-in-law so we tried to learn about a few of their traditions as well. We felt so multi-cultural that year. 😀
So what have you done to shake up your world and add some daring fun? Have you stepped out in faith with something or someone extreme? I hope you will and do, so you can enjoy the blessings that will overflow. Life is too short!
***AND be watching for my new website look with additions of podcasts!***
Loving Life,
The Mom of Many Multi-Cultural Children, Denise
(Another time I’ll tell you about Abi)